John Muir Trail, August 2005

Day 2:
Merced Lake to Lyell Canyon.
15 Miles.

This entire day is spent on the alternate route, but concludes by arriving and camping back on the JMT.

Climbing up Fletcher Creek, looking back down at Merced Lake in the morning. Half Dome peaking over the ridge in the distance. 02-01

On Fletcher Creek nearing the top of the climb out of the Merced River canyon, looking south to Red Peak.
Breakfast spot.

Meadow approaching Vogelsang, Rafferty Peak ridge on the left. 02-03-fletcher

The first creek crossing. 01-04-crossing

Vogelsang, from the north. 02-05-vog

Evelyn Lake, with the trail through the meadow on the left. 02-06-evelyn

Topping out on the ridge by Ireland Creek, on the rim of Lyell Canyon. Potter Point is the middleground, un-named storm abrewin'. 02-07-ridge

Distant rain falling through a slice of blue. I was not spared. 02-08-rain

Camped at the intersection of Ireland Creek and Lyell Canyon, and waited out the storm before making dinner.
In the tarptent, pack used as padding and insulation for my feet, clothing stuff sack used as pillow.

After the storm, Ireland creek in the background. 02-10-camp

< Day 1 ----- Day 3 >